We believe in the Palouse area there is a currently untapped resource. This resource has the possibility to benefit not only people that have the need for housing but also the people that own this resource; the farmers. On many farm plats we see portions that are physically too steep to farm, these areas remain vacant and unused by the farmers. We believe we can till these voids with housing, since many cities in the area ore land locked by farming, this blends the urban boundary that has been created tilling it with recourses that are needed for the community.
Within this we propose that housing units be inserted into these void spaces. Farmers could then be eligible for further subsidies depending on the building of units on their land. The building would be constructed while the farmer receives subsidies for the field being out of use paying for the construction costs. The homeowners of these units would then be required to rent the roof spaces of their units bock to the farmer so they can increase the farmable area on their land and get back land that was once unusable. By doing this we are not only providing more and affordable housing we are also doubling the use of the current land we have, and potentially lowering the cost of food as a whole.